Call for papers

ECPR General Conference, University of Hambourg, 22-25 August 2018

Section “Evaluating Policies of Immigrant Integration and Their Outcomes: A Critical Assessment from a Multilevel Perspective »

Panel 2: “The Political Mobilisation of Ethnicized and Racialized Minorities through the Arts: A Comparative Perspective”.

Chair: Prof Marco Martiniello (Director of the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies, CEDEM, University of Liege)

The Panel gathers Papers that critically discuss the importance of arts (music, theatre, literature, etc.) in the political mobilization of ethnicized and racialized minorities across and beyond Europe.

If you are interested, please send an 250 words abstract to Marco Martiniello by 15 January 2018 at *protected email*

Please circulate in your networks

All the best for 2018 !


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