Europe: the return of emigration?
Newsletter of ISA (International sociological association) - Research Committee on sociology of migration, Autumn 2011. As in other parts of the world, the public debates on immigration and integration of new migrants in European are often fierce, emotional and irrational. In the current financial, economic [...]
Towards a Visual Sociology of Migration?
Newsletter of ISA (International sociological association) - Research Committee on sociology of migration, Spring 2011. We live in a world of images and sounds. We are all confronted directly in our daily life with lots of images and sounds produced and mediated and distributed [...]
Sociology of Migration: towards new partnerships
Newsletter of ISA (International sociological association) - Research Committee on sociology of migration, Autumn 2010. Immediately after his election at the World Congress in Gothenburg in July, I approached the new ISA President, Michael Burawoy, to congratulate him. I introduced myself as the President [...]