JUST PUBLISHED: New Dynamics in Female Migration and Integration (Routledge Research in Gender and Society) Hardcover – April 10, 2015 by Christiane Timmerman (Editor), Marco Martiniello (Editor), Andrea Rea (Editor), & 1 more
http://www.amazon.com/Dynamics-Migration-Integration-Routledge-Research/dp/0415709040 This book explores the dynamic interplay between cross-national and cross-cultural patterns of female migration, integration and social change, by focusing on the specific case of Belgium. It provides insight into the dynamic interplay between gender and migration, and especially contributes to the knowledge of how migration changes gender relations in Belgium, as well as in the regions of origin. [...]
VIENT DE PARAÎTRE, « L’immigration Marocaine en Belgique,mémoires et destinées »
L’immigration Marocaine en Belgique, mémoires et destinées. Une publication de l’ULB parue aux éditions Couleur Livres Sous la direction éditoriale de Ahmed Medhoune, Sylvie Lausberg, Marco Martiniello et Andrea Rea Dans le prolongement de l’exposition « Nass Belgica » de l'ULB en partenariat avec Schola ULB.
Comment en est-on arrivé là ?
L'émotion collective qui a suivi les attentats terroristes de Paris ne sera salutaire que si elle n'empêche pas la réflexion sereine et rationnelle sur les causes de ces tueries abjectes: comment expliquer que des adultes socialisés en France (plus si jeunes que cela, par ailleurs), au nom de leur appartenance religieuse, puissent ôter la vie à des co-citoyens qu'ils considèrent [...]
My new book ‘An Introduction to Immigrant Incorporation Studies: European Perspectives’
Migratory movements combined with new technologies and growing wealth have changed the face of Europe. One in ten Europeans today is foreign-born. Despite EU integration, policies and processes for incorporating these immigrants, and their children and grandchildren, have remained mainly in the national policy domain. They, moreover, vary widely from nation to nation, and often from city to city within [...]
Multiculturalism and the Arts in European Cities
This book discusses the tension, or even the contradiction, between ethno-cultural segregation and ethno-cultural mixing in the field of the arts. It focuses on the local artistic sphere in the multicultural EU cities of Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brussels, Cologne, Malmö and Vienna. The chapters show a variety of local experiences by exploring in each city discourses, policies and practices in the [...]