Texte sur les arts et la contestation, dont une version différente a été publiée par L'agenda interculturel en février 2012. Let me start with a few observations: First for several years a tension-opposition in public (political, mediatic, academic, civic) discourse in Europe between on the one hand an apology for ethnocultural diversity celebrating intercultural dialogue and on the other hand [...]

Créations et expressions artistiques en milieu urbain : des réponses aux défis de la transitions sociales, économiques et politique actuelle crise ?

Texte d'une conférence sur le multiculturalisme donnée au Kaaitheater à Bruxelles en 2010.   Dans la période économiquement, socialement et politiquement difficile que nous traversons, les mêmes termes semblent revenir sans arrêt dans les débats médiatiques : dette souveraine, agences de notation, mesures d’économie, austérité, relance, chômage, pauvreté, fermetures, délocalisations, exclusion, racisme, islamophobie, dégradation, violence, insécurité, malaise, crise, etc.. Bref, rien [...]

RC31, a strong and healthy Research Committee

Newsletter of ISA (International sociological association) - Research Committee on sociology of migration, Spring 2014.  Time has almost come for me to step down as the President of RC 31 after serving two terms. While I am writing these words, we are in the process of electing the new board and officials of our Research Committee. With more than 200 [...]

After Lampedusa … Lampedusa?

Newsletter of ISA (International sociological association) - Research Committee on sociology of migration, Autumn 2013.  October 2013 will be remembered as an exceptionally bad month for migration: about 400 people died in the Mediterranean Sea not far from the Sicilian island of Lampedusa, trying to reach the European continent. Immigration scholars are not surprised that such disasters continue to occur. [...]

Professional sport and international migration: a complex relationship

Newsletter of ISA (International sociological association) - Research Committee on sociology of migration, Spring 2013.  Nobody outside Belgium knows the small Flemish city of Beveren. Nobody knows or cares that it has a professional football (soccer, for the North Americans) team in the Belgian Premier League. So what? What is the link with international migration? The answer lies in the [...]